2004-10-17 17:05:59 UTC
where cheat for zero hour???
It was valid eight years ago, it is still valid now:THERE ARE NO CHEATS IN C&C:
there are no cheats, you may get get flamed if you use that word.
alot of C&C'ers take a NOD view of people who use that word
they usually treat them like Kane treated Seth
quick shot to the head, or worse
never use the word cheat
there are no cheats IN C&C
never were, never will be (words that have stood the test of time, RA, TS,
Firestorm, RA2, Generals and Zero Hour)
the closest thing are "trainers"
they give you extra money, instant build
but they are add on programs outside of C&C
and they make a great game too easy
"if it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be fun" (me)
there are also "Easter Eggs" Frodo156 shared with us:
"C&C funpark is not a cheat it is an "Easter Egg" put in by the people at
westwood. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, an "Easter Egg" is
something put into a game by the programs, and is usually hidden, it can be
as pointless as a movie star cameo in the background or whole new levels
like "funpark" in the Covert Ops. So I will repeat funpark is NOT a cheat."
And to make Christopher Hill happy:
"There are cheats in the playstation version, but the playstation sucks, You
can go to any popular playstation website to pick them up, not here."
If you use the word cheat, you will be flamed
ever see what a flametank does to a group of 20 GDI soldiers?
or what an airstrike does to NODDIE troops?
The point i make is that there are no cheats "IN" the program of C&C. none,
period. Take control of your destiny (Command ) and (&), overcomming all
odds using just your brains, whit, whatever, and thereby winning a well
deserved victory (Conquer) as the outcome.
we play to the death, but we play fair
Fight Win Prevail (TM)
But Never Cheat!